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Letting The Light In..... The difference a skylight made to our home

Letting The Light In..... The difference a skylight made to our home

*{Sponsored Post- in collaboration with Roofmaker Ltd}

When we first viewed our house we were looking at it as a renovation project so we knew we would be changing it a lot. One of the first things that struck us was how dark and gloomy it was and I knew bringing lots of natural light in was going to be a big part of the project.

We were lucky that the back rooms downstairs had a flat roof back from when the property was a garage for the nearby manor house and because of this we could add a skylight to what would otherwise have been an internal room with no natural light of its own.

I wanted a large fixed flat rooflight in the area that would become an open plan sitting area off the kitchen, and once they kitchen extension was built and the area opened up in early 2015 I started trawling the internet to find the right one within budget.

Jim in the open plan area before the rooflight was fitted….. We had to keep doors to other rooms off it open to give the area natural light.

Jim in the open plan area before the rooflight was fitted….. We had to keep doors to other rooms off it open to give the area natural light.

I had seen Roof Maker rooflights in a magazine and having looked at quite a few companies they seemed to offer the features I wanted and needed for the most competitive price. I knew that they made the size I wanted, what I didn’t know was that their rooflights come with a 20 year unit seal warranty, and to make life easier for the builder, a built-in insulated upstand. They also come with easy clean glass as standard and the aluminium frame has a marine grade powder coating for great durability. The maximum width I could have was 2 metres so I chose a 2m x 1m flat fixed roof light for this area which is a standard size. You can have bespoke sizes too up to a staggering 10 metres long, but this standard size was perfect for this area in my home.

We checked the weather forecast and when there were a couple of dry days forecast the builders cut the hole through the roof and added supporting joists to hold the weight of the rooflight ready for it to be fitted.

…. Ready for the rooflight to be fitted, our house was built in 1912 and it was amazing to see the original straw insulation in the flat roof.

…. Ready for the rooflight to be fitted, our house was built in 1912 and it was amazing to see the original straw insulation in the flat roof.

So, how heavy is a roofligfht this size? Well it took 5 of our builders to get it in place! Once it was up we were so excited to see how it was going to totally transform this living space.

Once the rooflight was on the upstand the roofers came in to make it weather tight….

Once the rooflight was on the upstand the roofers came in to make it weather tight….

The difference this large roooflight from Roof Maker has made to our home is honestly staggering, for a while Jim was saying we just didn’t have the money in the budget for it but I was adamant we were going to have it and I’m so pleased I stuck to my guns as our home just wouldn’t have the same natural light giving an open, airy feel without it.

The open plan area in 2016…..

The open plan area in 2016…..

Something I love to see in a home is when you come through the entrance hall and you’re met with lot’s of natural light and a view right through the home to the garden beyond. I designed this, and our previous house, like this and the addition of the roof light in the internal part of our home has made it all the more special as it is flooded with natural light.


If you follow me on Instagram you will know that I am often changing my interiors about and one thing I really wanted for this open plan area was a velvet sofa. This would sit directly below the roof light, however as the glass is a specialist UV and IR blocking glass, I knew that fading of the colour of the sofa would not be a problem. So, in 2017 I ordered the velvet sofa, removed the bookshelves and updated this open plan area.

The open plan area today…..

The open plan area today…..

I absolutely love laying on the sofa here looking at the sky through the roof light, it’s such a relaxing place to be whether its chasing clouds or looking at the stars.

The blue sofa has not faded at all under the roof light thanks to the UV blocking glass…..

The blue sofa has not faded at all under the roof light thanks to the UV blocking glass…..

The downstairs of our home is designed so that most of the rooms come off this central open plan area, this includes the sitting room at the front of the house, which means that you can see the natural light from the roof light whilst sitting on the sofa in here too.

You can see how the light from the roof light makes such a difference to this space…..

You can see how the light from the roof light makes such a difference to this space…..

We made a lot of changes to turn the dark, gloomy house we viewed into the light bright home it is today and without doubt along with the wall of bifold doors in the kitchen the Roof Maker skylight has totally transformed the downstairs of our home.

Thanks as always for reading!

Sharon xx

*This post is a paid collaboration with Rooofmaker Ltd , however , the roof light was purchased by me in 2015 and I would never promote a brand or product that I didn't love, or have in my home and use myself. All views are my own as always.

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